Statement of Provision

Careers Education, Information Advice and Guidance

Good quality careers education will raise the aspirations of all young people. It will increase motivation by linking activities in school with preparation for life post 16 and post 18. CEIAG will therefore contribute to raising pupil achievement, help students focus on their longer-term career ambitions and ensure an equality of opportunity for all.

The Careers Programme

At Burnside College we provide a comprehensive CEIAG programme to students in every year group and this includes aspects of work related learning, enterprise education and option choices for students in Year 9 and 11. Students in our Sixth Form are very well supported as they make their applications to University, apply for Higher Level Apprenticeships or other non University post 18 pathways.

CEIAG is on-going throughout the academic year and is delivered through Guidance time in registrations, collapsed timetable events and is enhanced by working with local businesses, colleges and Universities.
The Careers programme is developed in consideration of the CDI (Career Development Institute) framework and the Gatsby Report’s benchmarks. Three key areas are:

  • Self Development – through careers, employability and enterprise education
  • Careers Exploration – learning about careers and the world of work
  • Career Management – learning how to develop career management and employability skills (to include managing changes and transitions)

All of our Year 12 students have the invaluable opportunity of work experience, providing the chance to develop employability skills and sample the world of work.

Accreditation and quality assurance

We are very proud to have been accredited with Stage 2 of the ‘Inspiring IAG’ Award which is a nationally recognised Quality in Careers Standard award. Our aim is to have completed stage 3 by June 2019. Alongside work with Connexions, you can be assured that all students are receiving the best possible quality in their careers advice and guidance. In addition to this, as part of the GATSBY careers benchmarks, we are proud to work alongside Virgin Money as our business based ‘Enterprise Advisor’.

Impartial Advice and Guidance

The guidance from the DfE places a duty on schools to secure access to unbiased and impartial careers guidance for their students. In conjunction with our existing provision, Burnside College work closely with the Connexions service who supply specialist guidance practitioners to work with identified students during the academic year. This includes 1-1 sessions with students as well as work with form classes and CPD with tutors and teaching staff.

Destination Figures

As part of our commitment to the GATSBY career benchmarks, we work closely with our Connexions service to track student destinations for up to two years after their leaving date.

The document below shows our destination statistics for the last four years of school leavers.

Ā KS4 Destinations Data

Policy Documentation

CEIAG Policy (Dec 2020)

Burnside Provider Access Policy Statement (July 2020)

Careers Leader

For further information about our careers and work related programme please contact our named Careers Leader: Mrs H Patterson, Assistant Headteacher on 0191 259 8500, or email: H Patterson