All learners have the right to attend a school
- where we are all equally valued, cared for and included
- where we are taught well so that we can achieve our very best
- where the building is suitable and supports our learning.
- in which we are safe
- which helps us to become responsible citizens
- where we develop the skills we need for employment.
As parents carers your child has the right to attend a school
- which successfully recognises and develops their individual potential
- which provides a safe environment
- where all children are equally valued, cared for and included
- where there is high quality teaching and learning which leads to good and outstanding results
- which offers opportunities that enhance my child’s learning and development
- where pupils’ behaviour is good or outstanding
- which supports pupils to become responsible citizens
- which successfully prepares my child for employment
- where the building is fit for purpose and supports learning
- which works closely with the community and listens to parents and carers, to the benefit of all.
In school we have procedures and systems to provide clear step-by-step guidance on what to do in different circumstances so that teachers and staff can ensure efficient and effective handling of any issues that may cause alarm around the safety of a child. We have a responsibility to ensure safety within school but also to act upon information that might suggest students are vulnerable outside of school.
Please see the following resources for more information: