Since February 2019, staff have been using Class Charts, this has proved highly successful in managing our Behaviour for Learning in school.
From October 2019, we began to introduce Class Charts Parents. Class Charts is an online system which teachers use to track achievement and behaviour throughout the school day. We believe in working closely with parents and one of the key benefits of using Class Charts is that we are able to securely share your child(s) achievement and behaviour report with you, keeping you up to date in real-time.
Parents/Carers have been issued with a unique āparent codeā at recent Parentsā Evening and IAG (Information and Guidance) events. Codes will also be distributed by post shortly. The following guide will help you to get started. A downloadable PDF version of the guide is available by clicking here.
If you have more than one child at the school, you can use the same parent account to view the progress of all your children.
If you need any assistance please contact us at