2017 has begun under a bit if a cloud. With recent changes around the world such as Donald Trump’s presidency and the commencement of article 50 to trigger Brexit, people are feeling anxious and worried about what the future holds. WhaRaK1t we need is a little bit of positivity in our lives and today’s the day!

The 17th February where the nation is kind to one another without asking for help: Random acts of kindness day. People open doors for each other, help them across busy roads and prove that small things can make a big difference.





Today in Burnside Business and Enterprise College, teachers have been treated to a fresh cup of coffee and a delicious bacon sandwich from our thoughtful head teacher Mr. Jamieson as his random act of kindness. Mr Richardson who enjoyed a bacon buttie and a brew this morning, commented that the atmosphere amongst staff was much more jovial than normal and it was ‘€œa myriad of enchanting loveliness and pleasantries’€™. He compared the staff event to ‘€œa modern day tinkerbell.’€


Random acts of kindness have been happening around school all day, from people helping other us who have slipped on floors in their eagerness to get to lessons, to opening doors to just make your day a  little bit easier. Max, a Year 8 student, has also shown a random act of kindness by sharing equipment with fellow students and helping them to make progress in lessons. A simple but effective way to show kindness, that we could all do.


Miss Warren also experienced a surprise act of kindness at dinner time when sixth former Yvette Ho, delivered home-made marmalade to Miss Warren and Miss Addison. ‘€œI couldn’t believe it. As well as the actual marmalade, the jars had been decorated in a literary way based on what we were teaching in class. Mine had a clever quote about zest in it from  the Wilfred Owen poem Dulce et Decorum Est and Miss Addison’€™s had a picture of Handmaid’€™s Tale on. It was a lovely gesture and we were both thrilled. What a great start to half term. Thanks Yvette’€

If you want to know more about this fantastic day here are some facts:

The Random Acts Of Kindness Foundation Facts. https://www.randomactsofkindness.org/the-science-of-kindness

Anxiety: A group of highly anxious individuals performed six different acts of kindness a week. After a month, there was a significant increase in positive moods, relationship satisfaction and decrease in social avoidance in socially anxious individual.  

Stress: Perpetually kind people have 23% less Cortisol and age slower than the average populations!

Depression: Stephen Post of Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine found that when we give of ourselves, everything from life satisfaction to self-realization and physical health is significantly improved. Mortality is delayed, depression is reduced and well-being and good fortune are increased.
So remember a little bit of kindness goes a long way. What act of random kindness will you perform today?    However, kindness is not just for one day’€¦ let’€™s make Burnside a kinder place, everyday.


By Rhys, Reece, Ahmed, Sean