Emblematic are delighted to announce the extension of their Longbenton self-service schoolwear shop. Having supplied schools, clubs and businesses for over 30 years, there is increasing demand from schools to be stocked in the shop and Emblematic are extending the shop floor area for summer 2018 to improve customers’ shopping experience.

The additional space and extra till will provide much-needed relief during the busy summer period, improving convenience and reducing waiting times.

The Longbenton branch is open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm all year round with additional Saturday opening 10am to 4pm from the beginning of June to the end of September (please visit emblematic for confirmed opening hours and to purchase uniform if you prefer to order online).

As a result of parent feedback Emblematic is phasing in a new supplier for Burnside uniform. A trialled number of parents have trialled a range of manufacturers and the preferred supplier is Blue Max Banner. Banner is a popular choice and these are successfully used for a large number of schools.