Due to reduced staffing levels the school will be closed to year 7 students for the remainder of this week.  

This will allow the school to remain open as usual for years 8 to 13 with appropriate staffing levels.  We will review this on a daily basis and inform parents of any updates.

Year 7 has the highest number of students who are already self isolating for 14 days.  Therefore this will have the least impact.

As you will be aware, the government yesterday released updated advice on the measures in place to limit the rate of coronavirus infections.

Currently at Burnside we have no confirmed cases of coronavirus amongst staff or students.  At the time of writing there are 3 confirmed cases in North Tyneside.

We do however have a number of students and staff who are following the government’s guidance on self isolation because they are reporting either a:

  • new continuous cough and/or
  • high temperature

This is now having an impact on our ability to open as normal for all students.  

Staff and students who have taken the decision to self isolate must now do so for 14 days.

Government advice is also that if staff, young people or children become unwell on site with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature they should be sent home.

We are currently following all of the government’s advice to educational settings and making every effort to remain open whilst still ensuring that staff and students remain safe.

Students who are self isolating will be able to access work here. On this page students from all year groups can find specific work for all subjects that they can complete at home. 

This is a challenging situation for everyone and is changing by the day.  The school is in regular contact with the local authority and public health and will do everything necessary to continue to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the school community.