Consultation on Burnside College’s admission arrangements in 2021/2022

The governing body would like to invite you to take part in a consultation about a proposal to reduce the school’s Published Admission Number (PAN) for September 2021.

Why are we consulting?

In accordance with paragraph 1.42 of the School Admissions Code, Burnside College’s admission authority (the governing body) are required to consult on the admission arrangements for 2021-22 where a change is proposed to the published admission number.  

The purpose of this consultation is to seek the views of the following stakeholders on the proposal of making this change for September 2021 (as set out in the School Admission Code):

  • parents of children between the ages of two and eighteen;  
  • other persons in the relevant area who may have an interest in the proposed admissions;  
  • all other admission authorities within the relevant area;  
  • whichever of the governing body and the local authority who are not the admission authority;  
  • any adjoining neighbouring local authorities where the admission authority is the local authority.

The full admissions code can be found here:

The Proposal:

The governing body of Burnside College is proposing reducing the school PAN from 260 to 208 for the year 7 cohort in September 2021.  This change relates to the current year 5 cohort at the time of consultation, and future cohorts. This will not affect children in other year groups who already have a place at the school.

The current projections show that there will be sufficient places available for local children with this reduced PAN in 2021 and subsequent years.

The governing body are mindful of the North Tyneside local plan and the potential of future increased demand for places at Burnside College and are committed to increasing the PAN again when there is sufficient demand within the local community for these spaces.  The governing body will do so in accordance with the School Admissions Code.

Why are making this change?

  • The PAN of 260 is historic and outdated.  A year group has not met this PAN for over 10 years.  The admissions code states that admission arrangements should be consulted on at least every seven years.
  • Pupil numbers have fallen significantly in our catchment area since the PAN was last reached in 2009 and the average number of pupils of compulsory school age in each year group is currently 185.
  • It will ensure more effective long term financial planning and management of resources.

Next Steps:

As stipulated in paragraph 1.43 of the School Admission Code the consultation period will last for 6 weeks and will take place between 20th December 2019 and 31st January 2020.  All responses should be sent to the Chair of Governors Mr T Gurr, c/o the school’s main office, marked “admission arrangements consultation”.  



Burnside College

St Peter’s Road

Wallsend, Newcastle Upon Tyne

NE28 7LQ

Feedback on other areas of the admissions arrangements are not sought as they are unchanged.  A link to the admission arrangements for 2021 can be found in full here.

After the 31st January the governing body will consider the responses to this consultation and whether to adopt the proposed change into the admission arrangements for 2021-22.  The governing body will then formally determine the admission arrangements for 2021-22 by February 28th 2020.